TSUNAIDE LLC (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the utmost importance of protecting the personal information we collect. We comply with laws and other standards related to the handling of personal information and commit to the following privacy policy.
Personal Information Management
The Company ensures that personal information is kept accurate and up-to-date. To prevent leaks, loss, or damage of personal information, we have established, implemented, and maintained a personal information protection management system and taken necessary measures, such as organizing a management structure.
Scope of Personal Information Collection and Its Use
The Company will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary for achieving the specified purpose (hereinafter referred to as "use outside the purpose"). We take necessary measures to prevent such use outside the purpose.
Prohibition of Providing Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company, under proper management, will not provide personal information to third parties, except in the following cases:
・When there is consent from the individual.
・When it is necessary to provide to a contractor for achieving the specified purpose.
・When it is necessary to provide based on laws.
Supervision of Personal Information Handling Outsourcing
When the Company outsources the handling of personal information to a third party to achieve the specified purpose, we investigate the third party, establish a necessary contract, and obligate them to manage information at the same standard as our company and supervise appropriately.
Requests for Disclosure, Correction, etc.
If there's a request for disclosure, correction, deletion, erasure, or cessation of use of personal information, we will confirm that the requester is the individual in question and respond accordingly.